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Shop RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers) Tanks

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  • Gas Mods Nixon S RDA 22mm
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    The Gas Mods Nixon S RDA is a new dripping atomizer from Gas Mods as the follow-up to popular GR1 RDA designed for build lovers.The Nixon S RDA utilizes a...
  • Hellvape Drop Dead RDA 24mm
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    The Hellvape Drop Dead RDA is a new dripping atomizer masterpiece co-designed by Vapin' Heathen with TVC (The Vapor Chronicles) and manufactured by Hellvape, as a combination of the best...
  • Oumier TRX RDA 24mm
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    The Oumier TRX RDA is a minimalist and beautiful dripping atomizer designed by Oumier and collobration with famous tricksters as a super easy-to-use RDA for dripper lovers and build enthusiasts.The...
  • Digiflavor Drop Solo RDA 22mm
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    The Digiflavor Drop Solo RDA is another masterpiece dripping atomizer designed by Digiflavor in collaboration with TVC (The Vapor Chronicles) as the single coil version of famous Drop RDA which...
  • AFK STUDIO Easy One EDA Easy Dripping Atomizer 24mm
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    The AFK STUDIO Easy One EDA is a simplified dripping atomizer with unique Pre-built coil system designed by Eugene which allows vapers to easily enjoy the dripping with great taste.Constructed of...
  • StageVape Venus RDA 24mm
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    The StageVape Venus RDA is a stylish Dual Coil dripping atomizer with unique appearance especially designed for build beginners.Constructed of high-grade stainless steel, the Venus RDA features a unique etching...
  • OBS Engine 2 RTA Dual Coil 5.0ml
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    The OBS Engine 2 RTA is a new leakproof Rebuildable Tank with dual coil configuration as the upgraded version of original OBS Engine RTA. Measuring 26mm in diameter, the Engine...
    From $29.99
  • DEJAVU RDA 24mm
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    The DEJAVU RDA is the new rebuildable dripping atomizer designed by Adrian Lo Dejavu from Malaysia, which follows the innovative design of DEJAVU RDTA.Measuring 25mm in diameter, the DEJAVU RDA...
  • The Swedish Vaper Dinky RDA is a tiny yet mighty bottom-feeder dripper atomizer in 17mm diameter. The Dinky RDA features a dual post deck with deep juice well for single...
  • GeekVape Ammit MTL RDA 22mm
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    The GeekVape Ammit MTL RDA is a compact dripping atomizer with unique leak-proof design, as a new addition to GeekVape Ammit family, especially for vapers who love Mouth to Lung...
  • GeekVape Loop RDA 24mm
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    The GeekVape Loop RDA is a new leak-proof dripping tank designed by GeekVape which concentrates on vapor production, aiming to be one of the best RDA of 2018.Measuring 24mm in...
  • WISMEC Tobhino BF Squonk RDA
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    The WISMEC Tobhino BF RDA is a new high-performance bottom-feeder dripping tank designed by Jaybo from WISMEC, which perfectly matches the Luxotic BF Mod for Squonk lovers. It features a...
  • Digiflavor Drop RDA 24mm
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    The Digiflavor Drop RDA is a new rebuildable dripping atomizer designed by Digiflavor in collaboration with The Vapor Chronicles which may be the best RDA of 2017 according to the...
  • Oumier VLS RDA Vertical Coil Design
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    The Oumier VLS RDA is the first vertical coil/transverse coil RDA in the market to offer you plenty of fun on coil building and incredible vaping experience.The Oumier VLS RDA...
  • OMG CDA Rebuildable Tank RTA/RDA 25mm
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    The OMG CDA Tank is a new concept Rebuildable Tank designed by OMG, which has optional RTA / RDA mode for different vaping experience.Utilizing the unique spin buckle design, you...
  • KAEES Aladdin BF Squonk RDA 24mm
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    The KAEES Aladdin BF Squonk RDA is a new 24mm bottom feeder RDA for Squonk lovers. It features a triple airflow design for air to get in via top, side...
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