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The SMOK RPM40 RBA Coil is the rebuildable coil designed for the RPM40 Pod Mod, featuring a 0.6ohm pre-built coil, also offers you the ability to rebuild the coil to...
Availability: Out of Stock

The SMOK RPM40 RBA Coil is the rebuildable coil designed for the RPM40 Pod Mod. The RPM40 RBA Coil features a 0.6ohm pre-built coil, also offers you the ability to rebuild your own coils to enjoy great flavor and dense clouds with your RPM40 Pod Mod.

SMOK RPM40 RBA Coil Features:

  • Minimum Resistance: 0.25ohm
  • For RPM40 Pod Mod
  • 0.6ohm Pre-built Coil
  • Easy to Rebuild

Package Includes:

  • 1 x SMOK RPM40 RBA Coil
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